English - Spanish : 900 words
a ,
inde , un (una),
[Existence 1]-01
a bit ,
adv , un poco,
a couple of X ,
adj , unos X (unas X),
a little (some) ,
adj , un poco,
a long time ,
adv , mucho tiempo,
[Time I]-55
a lot ,
adv , mucho,
a lot (of X) ,
adj , mucho (X) (mucha (X)),
a lot of X (many X) ,
adj , muchos X (muchas X),
able (be able to) ,
v , poder,
about ,
prep , de,
above ,
adv , arriba,
above ,
adv , encima,
above ,
prep , sobre,
above ,
prep , encima de,
absolutely ,
ijec , absolutamente,
[Not Classified]-14
ADJ-er /+than/ ,
adj , más+ADJ/+que/,
afraid (to be afraid) ,
adj , tener* miedo,
after ,
prep , después de,
[Time I]-49
after (that) ,
con , después de que,
[Time I]-50
afternoon ,
n , tarde,
[Time I]-20
afterwards ,
adv , más tarde,
[Time I]-43
afterwards ,
adv , después,
[Time I]-43
again ,
adv , de nuevo,
[Time I]-39
again ,
adv , otra vez,
[Time I]-39
ago : (X TIME UNITS ago) ,
[Time I]-46
airplane ,
n , avión,
airport ,
n , aeropuerto,
airport ,
n , aeropuerto,
alike ,
adj , igual,
all of the X ,
pron , todos (todas) los (las) N,
all of them ,
pron , todos,
all right ,
ijec , de acuerdo,
[Not Classified]-11
almost ,
adv , casi,
almost ,
adv , casi,
alone ,
a , solo,
already ,
adv , ya,
[Time I]-09
also ,
adv , también,
although ,
conj , aunque (+INDICATIVO),
always ,
adv , siempre,
[Time I]-28
am ,
aux , {vease:BE},
[Time II]-01
am ,
aux , {vease:BE},
american ,
a , americano,
an X like that ,
pron , un X así,
an X like that ,
pron , un X de ese tipo,
and ,
conj , y,
angry ,
adj , enfadado,
animal ,
n , animal,
another kind of X ,
adj , otro tipo de X,
another one ,
pron , otro (otra),
answer ,
n , respuesta,
answer ,
v , contestar,
any X ,
adj , cualquier X,
any X {irog} ,
pron , {no transl},
[Existence 2]-16
anybody ,
pron , alguien {irog},
[Existence 2]-12
anyone ,
pron , alguien {irog},
[Existence 2]-12
anything (=no matter what) ,
pron , qualquier cosa,
[Existence 2]-08
anything {irog} ,
pron , algo {irog},
[Existence 2]-07
apartment ,
n , piso,
[At Home]-3]
appear ,
v , aparecer,
april April ,
n , abril,
[Time I]-84
are ,
aux , {vease:BE},
[Time II]-01
are ,
aux , {vease:BE},
armchair ,
n , sillón,
arms (sg: an arm) ,
n , brazos (sg: un brazo),
[The Body]-04
around ,
adv , en torno a,
around ,
prep , alrededor de,
arrive ,
v , llegar,
as ,
conj , como,
as ,
adv , como,
as+ADJ /+as/ ,
adv , tan+ADJ/+que/,
as many (X) as ,
adj , tantos (X) /como/,
as much (as) ,
adv , tanto /como/,
as much /(X) as/ ,
adj , tanto /como/,
as well ,
adv , también,
as well (X as well) ,
adv , tambien (X tambien),
ask (=request) (smbdy for smth) ,
v , pedir (pedirle algo a alguien),
ask (smbdy smth) ,
v , preguntar (preguntarle algo a alguien),
at X (o'clock) ,
x , a las X,
[Time I]-11
at Xs (house/place) ,
adv , en casa de X,
at first ,
adv , al principio,
[Time I]-40
at home ,
adv , en casa,
at the same time ,
adv , al mismo tiempo,
[Time I]-51
at what time? ,
x , a qué hora?,
[Time I]-10
august August ,
n , agosto,
[Time I]-88
autumn ,
n , otoño,
[Time I]-95
avenue ,
n , avenida,
away (move smth away) ,
adv , alejar (algo),
away (move smth away) ,
adv , apartar (algo),
back (go/come back) ,
adv , volver*,
bad ,
adj , malo,
bad ,
adv , mal,
bag ,
n , bolsa,
bank ,
n , banco,
bathroom ,
n , baño,
[At Home]-12
be (+-ing) ,
aux , estar (+GERUNDIO),
[Time II]-01
aux , estar (+PREDICATIVO),
aux , ser (+PREDICATIVO),
aux , ser (+PREDICATIVO),
be (= to be situated) ,
v , estar,
be (=be going to+INF) ,
aux , ir =(ir a+INF),
[Time II]-02
be (=become) ,
v , quedarse,
be (=become) ,
v , ponerse*,
be (=to be in a place) ,
v , estar (en un sitio),
be able to ,
v , poder,
be missing ,
v , faltar,
be missing ,
v , faltar,
[Existence 2]-03
beach ,
n , playa,
beard ,
n , barba,
[The Body]-13
beautiful ,
adj , precioso,
because ,
conj , porque,
because of ,
prep , por,
become (with effort) ,
v , llegar a ser,
bed ,
n , cama,
bedroom ,
n , cuarto,
[At Home]-11
bedroom ,
n , dormitorio,
[At Home]-11
beer ,
n , cerveza,
before ,
conj , antes de que,
[Time I]-48
before ,
prep , antes de,
[Time I]-47
before ,
adv , antes,
[Time I]-44
begin ,
v , comenzar*,
begin ,
v , empezar*,
behind ,
adv , detrás,
behind ,
prep , detrás de,
below ,
adv , abajo,
beside ,
prep , al lado de,
best ,
adv , mejor,
better ,
adv , mejor,
between ,
prep , entre,
big ,
a , gran,
big ,
a , grande,
bit (a bit) ,
adv , poco (un poco),
black ,
a , negro (-a),
blonde ,
a , rubio(-a),
blue ,
a , azul,
boat ,
n , barco,
body ,
n , cuerpo,
[The Body]-01
book ,
n , libro,
boring ,
adv , aburrido,
borrow (Can I borrow X?) ,
v , prestar (Me dejas X?),
borrow (Can I borrow X?) ,
v , prestar (Me prestas X?),
both ,
pron , los dos (las dos),
bottle ,
n , botella,
boulevard ,
n , avenida,
box ,
n , cajón,
box ,
n , caja,
boy ,
n , chico,
boyfriend ,
n , novio,
bread ,
n , pan,
breakfast ,
n , desayuno,
bridge ,
n , puente,
bridge ,
n , puente,
bring ,
v , traer*,
brother ,
n , hermano,
brown ,
a , marrón,
build ,
v , construir,
building ,
n , edificio,
building ,
n , casa,
bus ,
n , autobús,
bus station ,
n , estación de autobuses,
business ,
n , negocios,
busy ,
a , ocupado,
but ,
conj , pero,
buy* ,
v , comprar,
by (+ -ing) ,
prep , {GERUNDIO} (E---S),
by (ANGENT) ,
prep , por,
by the X ,
prep , al lado de (X),
bye ,
ijec , adiós,
[Not Classified]-04
call ,
v , llamar (a alguien /por teléfono/),
can ,
v , poder*,
can (you can / can you..?) (can I..?) ,
v , puede (se puede / ?puedo..?),
car ,
n , coche,
care (X does not care) ,
v , importar (a X no le importa),
careful ,
a , cuidadoso,
carry ,
v , llevar,
case ,
n , caso,
cat ,
n , gato,
chair ,
n , silla,
change ,
v , cambiar,
cheap ,
a , barato,
check ,
v , comprobar,
check ,
v , verificar,
check ,
v , controlar,
chicken ,
n , pollo,
child ,
n , niña,
child ,
n , niño,
church ,
n , iglesia,
city ,
n , ciudad,
city center ,
n , centro,
clean ,
a , limpio (-a),
clock ,
n , reloj,
[Time I]-73
close ,
v , cerrar*,
close to X ,
prep , cerca de X,
closet ,
n , armario,
clothes ,
n , ropa,
coast ,
n , costa,
coffee ,
n , café,
cold ,
a , frío (-a),
colour ,
n , color,
come ,
v , llegar,
come ,
v , venir,
come back ,
v , volver*,
come back ,
v , volver,
come in ,
v , entrar,
come out ,
v , salir*,
company ,
n , compañia,
company ,
n , empresa,
computer ,
n , ordenador,
corner ,
n , esquina,
cost ,
v , valer,
cost ,
v , costar,
couch ,
n , sofá,
count ,
v , contar,
country ,
n , país,
couple of (a couple of X) ,
adj , unos X (unas X),
credit card ,
n , tarjeta de crédito,
cry ,
v , llorar,
daddy ,
n , papa,
dangerous ,
a , peligroso,
dark ,
a , moreno(-a),
daughter ,
n , hija,
day ,
n , día,
[Time I]-65
dead ,
a , muerto(-a),
december December ,
n , diciembre,
[Time I]-92
definitely ,
ijec , seguramente,
[Not Classified]-15
did ,
aux , {vease DO},
die ,
v , morir* morirse*,
difference ,
n , diferencia,
different ,
adj , distinto,
different ,
adj , diferente,
difficult ,
a , difícil,
dinner ,
n , cena,
dirty ,
a , sucio (-a),
do ,
aux , {no transl},
do* ,
v , hacer*,
doctor ,
n , médico,
[The Body]-20
does ,
aux , {vease DO},
dog ,
n , perro,
door ,
n , puerta,
[At Home]-5]
down ,
adv , abajo,
downstairs ,
adv , abajo,
[At Home]-15
dress ,
n , vestido,
drink ,
v , beber,
drunk ,
adj , borracho,
during ,
prep , durante,
[Time I]-53
early ,
adv , temprano,
[Time I]-69
ears ,
n , orejas,
[The Body]-09
easy ,
a , fácil,
eat ,
v , comer,
eight ,
num , ocho,
eighteen ,
num , dieciocho,
eighty ,
num , ochenta,
eleven ,
num , once,
else (or else) ,
conj , si no,
empty ,
a , vacío,
england ,
n , inglaterra,
english ,
a , inglés,
enough (X) ,
pron , el X suficiente,
enough (X) ,
pron , bastante (X),
entrance ,
n , entrada,
even if ,
even though ,
conj , aunque (+INDICATIVO),
evening (after dark) ,
n , noche,
[Time I]-21
evening (before dark) ,
n , tarde,
[Time I]-21
every X ,
adv , cada X,
[Time I]-27
everybody ,
pron , todos,
everybody ,
pron , todo el mundo,
everyone ,
pron , todos,
everyone ,
pron , todo el mundo,
everything ,
pron , todo,
evil ,
adj , malo,
exactly ,
ijec , exactamente,
[Not Classified]-16
except X ,
prep , menos X,
except X ,
prep , excepto X,
excuse me ,
ijec , por favor,
[Not Classified]-08
exit ,
n , salida,
expect (=await) ,
v , esperar,
expect (=imagine) ,
v , suponer,
expensive ,
a , caro,
explain ,
v , explicar,
eyes (sg: an eye) ,
n , ojos (sg: un ojo),
[The Body]-08
face ,
n , cara,
[The Body]-07
family ,
n , familia,
far (away) ,
adv , lejos,
fast ,
adj , rápido,
fast ,
adv , deprisa,
fast ,
adv , rápido,
fast ,
adv , rápidamente,
fat ,
a , gordo(-a),
father ,
n , padre,
february February ,
n , febrero,
[Time I]-82
feel ,
v , sentir*,
feel* ,
v , sentir*,
feel* ,
v , sentirse*,
[The Body]-16
feel ill ,
v , sentirse mal,
[The Body]-18
female person {COLLOQ} ,
n , tía {COLLOQ},
fetch ,
v , traer*,
fetch ,
v , ir* a buscar,
few X ,
pron , pocos X (pocas X),
field ,
n , campo,
fifteen ,
num , quince,
fifty ,
num , cincuenta,
find* ,
v , encontrar,
fine ,
ijec , vale,
[Not Classified]-10
finish ,
v , acabar,
finish ,
v , terminar,
fire ,
n , fuego,
firm ,
n , compañia,
firm ,
n , empresa,
first ,
adj , primero,
first..then.. ,
adv , primero..entonces..,
[Time I]-41
fish ,
n , pescado,
five ,
num , cinco,
five hundred ,
num , quinientos,
fix ,
v , arreglar,
flat ,
n , piso,
[At Home]-3]
floor ,
n , suelo,
[At Home]-9]
flower ,
n , flor,
food ,
n , comida,
foot (pl: feet) ,
n , pie,
[The Body]-06
for (=for the sake of) ,
prep , por,
for (=for the sake of) ,
prep , por,
for (X is for Y) ,
prep , para (X es para Y),
for example ,
ijec , por ejemplo,
[Not Classified]-18
foreign ,
a , extranjero,
forest ,
n , bosque,
forget (X forgets) ,
v , olvidar (se le olvida a X),
forget (X forgets) ,
v , olvidarse de (algo),
forget (X forgets) ,
v , olvidar,
forty ,
num , cuarenta,
four ,
num , cuatro,
fourteen ,
num , catorce,
frequently ,
adv , con frecuencia,
[Time I]-31
frequently ,
adv , a menudo,
[Time I]-31
friday Friday ,
n , viernes,
[Time I]-78
friend ,
n , amiga,
friend ,
n , amigo,
from ,
prep , de,
full ,
a , lleno,
fun ,
adv , divertido,
funny (=strange) ,
adv , raro,
funny (=strange) ,
adv , curioso,
furniture ,
n , muebles,
garden ,
n , jardín,
[At Home]-15
gentleman (S---E) ,
n , señor,
get (1) ,
v , recibir*,
get (2)(=obtain) ,
v , buscar,
get (2)(=obtain) ,
v , encontrar*,
get (2)(=obtain) ,
v , obtener*,
get (2)(=obtain) ,
v , conseguir*,
get (=reach) ,
v , llegar (a),
get (=fetch) ,
v , traer*,
get (=fetch) ,
v , ir* a buscar,
get + ADJ ,
v , {different verbs},
get back ,
v , volver,
girl ,
n , chica,
girlfriend ,
n , novia,
give* ,
v , dar (darle (algo a alguien)),
give back (smth) ,
v , devolver* (algo),
glasses ,
n , gafas,
go ,
v , irse,
go ,
v , ir,
go away ,
v , marcharse,
go away ,
v , irse,
go back ,
v , volver,
go down ,
v , bajar,
go in ,
v , entrar,
go on ,
v , seguir* + GERUNDIO,
go out ,
v , salir*,
go past ,
v , pasar (por),
go up ,
v , subir,
go with ,
v , accompañar,
god ,
n , diós,
[Not Classified]-19
good ,
adj , bien (estar bien),
good ,
adj , bueno,
good ,
adv , bien,
good-looking ,
adj , guapo,
goodbye ,
ijec , adiós,
[Not Classified]-04
got (X got) ,
v , le dieron a X,
great ,
adj , estupendo,
great ,
adv , bien,
great ,
adv , estupendo,
green ,
a , verde,
guy (male person) {COLLOQ} ,
n , tipo {COLLOQ},
guy (male person) {COLLOQ} ,
n , tío {COLLOQ},
had ,
aux , {ver:HAVE},
[Time II]-04
had better /not/ to.. (X had better /not/ to..) ,
x , va a ser mejor que /no/..,
had better /not/ to.. (X had better /not/ to..) ,
x , es mejor que /no/..,
hair ,
n , pelo,
[The Body]-12
half ,
a , mitad,
half ,
a , medio,
hand (pl: hands) ,
n , mano (pl: las manos),
[The Body]-05
happen ,
v , sucedir,
happen ,
v , ocurrir,
happen ,
v , pasar,
happy ,
adj , feliz,
happy ,
adj , alegre,
happy (with smth) ,
adj , contento (estar* contento (de algo)),
hate ,
v , detestar,
hate ,
v , odiar,
have ,
v , tener,
have (+PP`) ,
aux , haber (+PP),
[Time II]-03
have got ,
v , tener,
have to +INF ,
V , hay que +INF,
have to +INF ,
V , deber +INF,
have to +INF ,
V , tener que +INF,
he ,
pron , él,
[Existence 1]-08
head ,
n , cabeza,
[The Body]-02
hear* ,
v , oír*,
heat ,
a , calor,
hello ,
ijec , hóla,
[Not Classified]-03
help ,
v , ayudar,
her (pl) ,
a , sus,
her (sg) ,
a , su,
her {dir obj} ,
pron , la {dir obj},
[Existence 1]-18
her {indir obj} ,
pron , le {indir obj},
[Existence 1]-26
here ,
adv , acá,
here ,
adv , aquí,
here (=to this place) ,
adv , acá,
here (=to this place) ,
adv , aquí,
hers ,
pron , de ella,
hers (pl) ,
pron , suyos,
hers (sg) ,
pron , suyo,
herself ,
pron , ella misma,
hi ,
ijec , hóla,
[Not Classified]-03
high ,
a , alto,
hill ,
n , colina,
him {dir obj} ,
pron , lo (le) {dir obj},
[Existence 1]-17
him {indir obj} ,
pron , le {indir obj},
[Existence 1]-25
himself ,
pron , él mismo,
his ,
pron , de él,
his (pl) ,
pron , suyos,
his (pl) ,
a , sus,
his (sg) ,
pron , suyo,
his (sg) ,
a , su,
hit (smbdy) ,
v , pegarle (a algn),
hold ,
v , tener* (en la mano),
home ,
adv , a casa,
hope (/that/+S) ,
v , esperar (que+SUBJUNTIVO),
horrible ,
adj , horrible,
horrible ,
a , horrible,
hospital ,
n , hospital,
[The Body]-19
hot ,
a , see:heat,
hour ,
n , ora,
[Time I]-63
house ,
n , casa,
[At Home]-2]
house ,
n , casa,
how? ,
adv , cómo?,
how long? ,
x , cuánto tiempo (hace)?,
[Time I]-54
how many? ,
adv , cuántos? (cuántas?),
how much? ,
adv , cuánto? (cuánta?),
hundred (a hundred) ,
num , ciento,
hundred (a hundred) ,
num , cien,
husband ,
n , marido,
I ,
pron , yo,
[Existence 1]-05
I'd like ,
v , querría,
I'd like ,
v , quisiera,
I'd like ,
v , quiero,
I see ,
ijec , ya veo,
[Not Classified]-12
I see ,
ijec , ya,
[Not Classified]-12
I would like ,
v , querría,
I would like ,
v , quisiera,
I would like ,
v , quiero,
idea ,
n , idea,
if ,
conj , si,
if not ,
conj , si no,
ill ,
a , enfermo,
[The Body]-17
immediately ,
adv , ahora mismo,
[Time I]-06
immediately ,
adv , inmediatamente,
[Time I]-06
immediately ,
adv , en seguida,
[Time I]-06
important ,
a , importante,
impossible ,
adj , imposible,
in ,
adv , dentro,
in ,
prep , en,
[Time I]-08
prep , dentro de X UNIDADES DE TIEMPO,
[Time I]-08
in front ,
adv , delante,
in front ,
adv , adelante,
in front of ,
prep , adelante de,
in front of ,
prep , delante de,
in order to ,
winf , para (+INF),
in the beginning ,
adv , al principio,
[Time I]-40
in the same way ,
adv , modo (del mismo modo),
in the same way ,
adv , del mismo modo,
in the same way ,
adv , manera (de la misma manera),
in the same way ,
adv , de la misma manera,
inexpensive ,
a , barato,
inside ,
adv , dentro,
inside ,
prep , dentro de,
instead ,
adv , en lugar de eso,
instead ,
adv , en vez de eso,
instead of X ,
prep , en lugar de X,
instead of X ,
prep , en vez de X,
intelligent ,
adj , listo,
intelligent ,
adj , inteligente,
interested (X is interested (in smth)) ,
adj , interesar (algo le interesa a X),
interesting ,
adj , interesante,
interesting ,
adv , interesante,
into ,
prep , dentro,
is ,
aux , {vease:BE},
[Time II]-01
is ,
aux , {vease:BE},
is there..? ,
v , hay..?,
[Existence 2]-02
it ,
pron , {VERB 3p},
[Existence 1]-10
it's X's ,
nc , es de X,
it's necessary to +INF ,
v , hay que +INF,
it {dir obj} ,
pron , lo (la) {dir obj},
[Existence 1]-19
it {indir obj} ,
pron , le {indir obj},
[Existence 1]-27
its (pl) ,
pron , suyos,
its (pl) ,
a , sus,
its (sg) ,
pron , suyo,
its (sg) ,
a , su,
jacket ,
n , chaqueta,
january January ,
n , enero,
[Time I]-81
job ,
n , trabajo,
july July ,
n , julio,
[Time I]-87
june June ,
n , junio,
[Time I]-86
just ,
adv , solo,
just ,
adv , solamente,
just ,
adv , no más que,
just ,
adv , solamente,
just X ,
adv , solo X,
just X ,
adv , solamente X,
keep* (smth) ,
v , guardar (algo),
key ,
n , llave,
[At Home]-6]
kid ,
n , niña,
kid ,
n , niño,
kill ,
v , matar,
kind ,
adj , bueno,
kind (a kind of) ,
adj , tipo (un tipo de),
kitchen ,
n , cocina,
[At Home]-10
know ,
v , saber,
know* (sbdy) ,
v , conocer* (a algn),
know (about smth/sbdy) ,
v , conocer* (algo/alguien),
lady ,
n , señora,
lake ,
n , lago,
lamp ,
n , lámpara,
language ,
n , lengua,
language ,
n , idioma,
large ,
a , gran,
large ,
a , grande,
last ,
adj , último,
last X ,
adv , el X pasado,
[Time I]-26
last X-day ,
adv , el X pasado,
[Time I]-24
last night ,
adv , anoche,
[Time I]-17
late ,
adv , tarde,
[Time I]-70
later (=not now) ,
adv , más tarde,
[Time I]-04
later (=not now) ,
adv , luego,
[Time I]-04
later (=not now) ,
adv , después,
[Time I]-04
laugh ,
v , reirse,
laugh ,
v , reir,
learn ,
v , aprender,
leave ,
v , marcharse,
leave ,
v , irse,
left ,
adv , a la izquierda,
legs (sg: a leg) ,
n , piernas (sg: una pierna),
[The Body]-03
lend* (smth) ,
v , prestar (algo),
less (than X) ,
pron , menos (de X),
let (sbdy do smth) ,
v , dejar (a algn hacer algo),
let smbdy know smth ,
v , avisarle (algo a alguien),
let smbdy know smth ,
v , decirle (algo a alguien),
letter ,
n , carta,
lie ,
n , mentira,
life ,
n , vida,
like ,
adv , como,
like (/just/ like) ,
adj , igual que,
like (X likes (to+INF/+-ing)) ,
v , gustar (a X le gusta (+INF)),
like (X likes Y) ,
v , gustar (a X le gusta Y),
like that ,
adv , así,
like this ,
adv , así,
listen ,
v , escuchar,
little (a little (some)) ,
adj , poco (un poco),
live ,
v , vivir*,
live ,
v , vivir*,
[At Home]-1]
long ,
a , largo,
look ,
v , parecer,
look at ,
v , mirar,
look for ,
v , buscar,
look like ,
v , parecerse a,
lose* (smth) ,
v , perder* (algo),
lot (a lot (of X)) ,
adj , mucho (X) (mucha (X)),
love ,
n , amor,
love (X loves Y (things etc.)) ,
v , encanta (a X le encanta Y),
love (X loves Y (things etc.)) ,
v , gustar (a X le gusta mucho Y),
love (X loves to (+INF)) ,
v , encanta (a X le encanta Y),
love (X loves to (+INF)) ,
v , gustar (a X le gusta mucho Y),
love (smbdy) ,
v , querer* (a alguien),
lovely ,
adj , precioso,
low ,
a , bajo,
lunch ,
n , almuerzo,
machine ,
n , máquina,
mad (=angry) ,
adj , enfadado,
make* (=to carry out) ,
v , hacer* (=llevar a cabo),
make* (=to cause) ,
v , hacer* (=causar),
make* (=to create) ,
v , hacer* (=crear),
make (=cause) ,
v , hacer (=causar),
man ,
n , hombre,
many ,
pron , muchos X (muchas X),
many X ,
adj , muchos X (muchas X),
map ,
n , mapa,
map ,
n , plano,
march March ,
n , marzo,
[Time I]-83
market place ,
n , mercado,
married ,
a , casado,
may May ,
n , mayo,
[Time I]-85
maybe ,
adv , a lo mejor,
maybe ,
adv , tal vez,
maybe ,
adv , quiza(s),
me (prep form) ,
pron , mí,
[Existence 1]-31
me {dir obj} ,
pron , me {dir obj},
[Existence 1]-15
me {indir obj} ,
pron , me {indir obj},
[Existence 1]-23
mean (=intend to say) ,
v , querer* decir,
mean (=to signify) ,
v , querer* decir,
mean (=to signify) ,
v , significar,
meat ,
n , carne,
meet* ,
v , encontrarse,
meet* ,
v , verse*,
meet* (sbdy) ,
v , ver* (a alguien),
midday ,
n , mediodía,
[Time I]-19
middle (in the middle /of/) ,
adv , medio (en el medio /de/),
might (X might) ,
v , X puede,
mind ,
n , mente (E---S),
mine ,
pron , los míos,
mine ,
pron , el mío,
mine (pl) ,
pron , míos,
mine (sg) ,
pron , mío,
minute ,
n , minuto,
[Time I]-64
missing (be missing) ,
v , faltar,
mistaken (to be) ,
v , equivocarse,
moment ,
n , momento,
[Time I]-62
monday Monday ,
n , lunes,
[Time I]-74
money ,
n , dinero,
month ,
n , mes,
[Time I]-67
more ,
adv , más,
more (X) ,
pron , más (X),
more (X) than ,
adj , más (X) que,
more (than) ,
adv , más (que),
more or less ,
adv , más o menos,
more than ,
pron , más de,
morning ,
n , mañana,
[Time I]-18
most ,
pron , la mayor parte,
most ,
pron , la mayoría,
mother ,
n , madre,
mountain ,
n , montaña,
mouth ,
n , boca,
[The Body]-11
move ,
v , moverse,
move (smth) ,
v , mover* (algo),
much (very much) ,
adv , mucho,
much X ,
adj , mucho (X) (mucha (X)),
mummy ,
n , mama,
must +INF ,
v , hay que +INF,
must +INF ,
v , deber +INF,
must +INF ,
v , tener que +INF,
my (pl) ,
a , mis,
my (sg) ,
a , mi,
myself ,
pron , yo mismo,
name ,
n , nombre,
name (X's name is A) ,
v , llamarse (X se llama A),
near X ,
prep , cerca de X,
nearby ,
adv , por aquí,
nearby ,
adv , cerca,
need ,
v , necesitar,
need to +INF ,
v , deber +INF,
need to +INF ,
v , tener que +INF,
neighborhood ,
n , barrio,
neither ,
adv , tampoco,
neither ,
adv , tampoco,
never ,
adv , jamás,
[Time I]-29
never ,
adv , nunca,
[Time I]-29
new ,
a , nuevo (-a),
[Time I]-72
newspaper ,
n , periódico,
next ,
a , próximo,
next ,
a , siguiente,
next X ,
adv , el X próximo,
[Time I]-25
next X ,
adv , el X que viene,
[Time I]-25
next to ,
prep , al lado de,
nice ,
adj , bonito,
nice ,
adv , agradable,
nice (=friendly) ,
adj , simpático,
night ,
n , noche,
[Time I]-22
nine ,
num , nueve,
nineteen ,
num , diecinueve,
ninety ,
num , noventa,
no ,
ijec , no,
[Not Classified]-02
no + X ,
adj , no + VERB + X,
[Existence 2]-15
no X ,
adj , ningún X,
no more ,
adv , ya...no,
[Time I]-33
no one ,
pron , nadie,
no one ,
pron , nadie {sujeto},
[Existence 2]-13
nobody ,
pron , nadie,
nobody ,
pron , nadie {sujeto},
[Existence 2]-13
none /of/ ,
pron , ninguno (ninguna) /de/,
noon ,
n , mediodía,
[Time I]-19
nor ,
adv , tampoco,
nose ,
n , nariz,
[The Body]-10
not...either ,
adv , tampoco,
not..anyone ,
pron , nadie {objeto},
[Existence 2]-14
not..anything ,
pron , no..nada {objeto},
[Existence 2]-10
not..but... ,
conj , no..sino /que/,
not..either ,
adv , tampoco,
not any longer ,
adv , ya...no,
[Time I]-33
not many X ,
pron , pocos X (pocas X),
not much ,
adj , poco (poca),
not so X ,
adv , no muy X,
not yet ,
adv , todavía no,
[Time I]-07
nothing ,
pron , nada (no...nada),
nothing ,
pron , nada {sujeto},
[Existence 2]-09
notice ,
v , notar,
notice ,
v , ver*,
november November ,
n , noviembre,
[Time I]-91
now ,
adv , ahora,
[Time I]-03
number ,
n , número,
october October ,
n , octubre,
[Time I]-90
odd ,
adv , raro,
odd ,
adv , curioso,
of ,
prep , de,
of course ,
ijec , por supuesto,
[Not Classified]-13
of course ,
ijec , claro,
[Not Classified]-13
office ,
n , oficina,
often ,
adv , con frecuencia,
[Time I]-31
often ,
adv , a menudo,
[Time I]-31
okay ,
ijec , vale,
[Not Classified]-10
old ,
a , viejo(-a),
old ,
a , viejo (-a),
[Time I]-71
old (X is Y/years old/) ,
v , años (X tiene Y años),
old (how old is X?) ,
v , anõs (?cuántos años tiene X?),
on ,
prep , sobre,
on ,
prep , en,
on X-day ,
adv , el X,
[Time I]-23
on the left ,
adv , a la izquierda,
on the other side ,
adv , al otro lado,
on the other side of ,
prep , al otro lado de,
on the right ,
adv , a la derecha,
once ,
adv , una vez,
[Time I]-35
once again ,
adv , de nuevo,
[Time I]-38
once again ,
adv , otra vez,
[Time I]-38
once more ,
adv , de nuevo,
[Time I]-38
once more ,
adv , otra vez,
[Time I]-38
one ,
num , uno,
one (of them) ,
pron , uno (una),
one hundred ,
num , ciento,
one hundred ,
num , cien,
one thousand ,
num , mil,
only ,
adv , solo,
only ,
adv , solamente,
only ,
adv , no más que,
only ,
adv , solamente,
only X ,
adv , solo X,
only X ,
adv , solamente X,
open ,
v , abrir,
opposite ,
adv , enfrente (de enfrente),
opposite ,
adv , de enfrente,
or ,
conj , o,
or (=otherwise, if not) ,
conj , si no,
or else ,
conj , si no,
otherwise ,
conj , si no,
ought to +INF ,
v , deber* +INF,
our (pl) ,
a , nuestros (-as),
our (sg) ,
a , nuestro (-a),
ours ,
pron , el nuestro,
ours (pl) ,
pron , nuestros,
ours (sg) ,
pron , nuestro,
ourselves ,
pron , nosotros mismos,
out ,
adv , fuera,
out of ,
prep , fuera de,
outside ,
adv , fuera,
outside ,
prep , fuera de,
outside ,
adv , fuera,
outside ,
prep , fuera de,
over ,
prep , por encima de,
over ,
adv , encima,
over ,
prep , sobre,
over ,
prep , encima de,
own (my own etc.) ,
a , propio,
pants ,
n , pantalones,
paper (a piece of paper) ,
n , papél,
parents ,
n , padres,
park ,
n , parque,
part ,
n , parte,
PASSIVE to be + PP ,
v , PASSIVO ser + PP,
pay* ,
v , pagar*,
pen ,
n , bolígrafo,
pencil ,
n , lápiz,
people ,
n , gente,
perhaps ,
adv , a lo mejor,
perhaps ,
adv , tal vez,
perhaps ,
adv , quiza(s),
person ,
n , persona,
phone ,
v , llamar (a alguien /por teléfono/),
photo ,
n , photo,
picture ,
n , imagen,
piece ,
n , trozo,
pity ,
n , pena,
place ,
n , lugar,
place ,
n , sitio,
plane ,
n , avión,
play ,
v , jugar*,
please ,
ijec , por favor,
[Not Classified]-06
police ,
n , policía,
poor ,
a , pobre,
port ,
n , puerto,
possible ,
adj , posible,
prefer (smth/to+INF) ,
v , preferir* (X prefiere (+INF)),
prefer (smth/to+INF) ,
v , gustar más (a X le gusta más),
pretty ,
adj , bonito,
price ,
n , precio,
probably ,
adv , probablemente,
problem ,
n , problema,
put ,
v , meter,
put ,
v , poner*,
question ,
n , pregunta,
quick ,
adj , rápido,
quickly ,
adv , deprisa,
quickly ,
adv , rápido,
quickly ,
adv , rápidamente,
quite a lot ,
adv , bastante,
rain ,
v , llover,
rather (X'd rather (+INF)) ,
adv , gustar más (a X le gusta más (+INF)),
rather (X'd rather (+INF)) ,
adv , preferir* (X prefiere (+INF)),
rather X ,
adv , bastante X,
read* ,
v , leer*,
ready ,
a , listo,
realize ,
v , comprender,
realize ,
v , darse* cuenta de,
really? ,
ijec , ah sí?,
[Not Classified]-17
really? ,
ijec , de veras?,
[Not Classified]-17
red ,
a , rojo (-a),
remember ,
v , recordar,
remember ,
v , acordarse* de,
remove (=take off) ,
v , quitar,
rent ,
v , alquilar,
restaurant ,
n , restorán,
restaurant ,
n , restaurante,
return ,
v , volver*,
return ,
v , volver,
return (smth) ,
v , devolver* (algo),
rich ,
a , rico,
right ,
adv , a la derecha,
right (=correct) ,
a , correcto,
right (=correct) ,
a , bien,
right (=correct) ,
adv , correctamente,
right (=correct) ,
adv , bien,
river ,
n , río,
road ,
n , camino,
road ,
n , carretera,
road ,
n , carretera,
road (major) ,
n , carretera,
road (minor) ,
n , camino,
room ,
n , cuarto,
[At Home]-4]
room ,
n , habitación,
[At Home]-4]
run ,
v , correr,
sad ,
adj , triste,
same (/just/ the same) ,
adj , igual,
same (the same) ,
adj , mismo (el mismo (la misma)),
saturday Saturday ,
n , sábado,
[Time I]-79
say (/that/ + S /to smbdy/) ,
v , decir* (que + S /a alguien/),
school ,
n , escuela,
sea (the sea) ,
n , mar (el mar),
search for ,
v , buscar,
second ,
a , segundo,
see* ,
v , verse*,
see* ,
v , ver*,
see* (sbdy) ,
v , ver* (a alguien),
see if ,
v , ver* si,
see you ,
ijec , hasta luego,
[Not Classified]-05
seem ,
v , parecer (le parece a X /que/),
sell* ,
v , vender,
send* ,
v , enviar*,
send* ,
v , mandar,
september September ,
n , septiembre,
[Time I]-89
seven ,
num , siete,
seventeen ,
num , diecisiete,
seventy ,
num , setenta,
shame ,
n , pena,
she ,
pron , ella,
[Existence 1]-09
ship ,
n , barco,
shirt ,
n , camisa,
shoes ,
n , zapatos,
shop ,
n , tienda,
shop ,
n , tienda,
short ,
a , bajo(-a),
short ,
a , corto,
should +INF ,
v , deber +INF (reg.),
show ,
v , enseñar*,
show ,
v , mostrar,
show* ,
v , enseñar,
show* ,
v , mostrar,
shut ,
v , cerrar*,
sick ,
a , enfermo,
[The Body]-17
side ,
n , lado,
silly ,
adv , tonto,
silly ,
adv , estúpido,
similar ,
adj , igual,
since ,
conj , como,
since ,
conj , desde que,
[Time I]-57
since ,
prep , desde,
[Time I]-56
sister ,
n , hermana,
sit (down) ,
v , sentarse,
six ,
num , seis,
sixteen ,
num , dieciséis,
sixty ,
num , sesenta,
skirt ,
n , falda,
sleep* ,
v , dormir*,
[The Body]-15
slim ,
a , delgado(-a),
slow ,
adj , lento,
slowly ,
adv , despacio,
slowly ,
adv , lento,
small ,
a , chico,
small ,
a , pequeño,
smart ,
adj , listo,
smart ,
adj , inteligente,
smoke ,
v , fumar,
so ,
conj , de modo que,
so ,
conj , de manera que,
so ,
conj , por lo que,
so ,
conj , así que,
so ,
conj , de modo que,
so ,
conj , de manera que,
so+(ADJ/ADV)+that ,
conj , tan+(ADJ/ADV)+que,
so+ADJ/ADV ,
adv , tan+ADJ/ADV,
so that ,
conj , para que (+ SUBJUNTIVO),
sofa ,
n , sofá,
some /of/ ,
pron , algunos (algunas),
some /of/ ,
pron , unos (unas),
some X ,
adj , unos X (unas X),
some X ,
adj , algun X,
somebody ,
pron , alguien {affirm},
[Existence 2]-11
someone ,
pron , alguien {affirm},
[Existence 2]-11
something ,
pron , algo {affirm},
[Existence 2]-06
something else ,
pron , otra cosa,
sometimes ,
adv , algunas veces,
[Time I]-30
sometimes ,
adv , a veces,
[Time I]-30
somewhere ,
adv , a algun sitio,
somewhere ,
adv , en algun sitio,
son ,
n , hijo,
soon ,
adv , dentro de poco,
[Time I]-05
soon ,
adv , en poco tiempo,
[Time I]-05
soon ,
adv , pronto,
[Time I]-05
sorry ,
ijec , perdón,
[Not Classified]-09
sound ,
n , ruido,
sound ,
n , sonido,
spain ,
n , españa,
spanish ,
a , español,
speak* ,
v , hablar,
spring ,
n , primavera,
[Time I]-93
square ,
n , plaza,
start ,
v , comenzar*,
start ,
v , empezar*,
station ,
n , estación (de ferrocaril),
station ,
n , estación,
stay ,
v , quedarse,
steal ,
v , robar,
still ,
adv , aún,
[Time I]-32
still ,
adv , todavía,
[Time I]-32
stop ,
v , dejar de,
stop ,
v , parar,
stop ,
v , pararse,
stop off at ,
v , pasar (por),
store ,
n , tienda,
store ,
n , tienda,
straight on ,
adv , todo derecho,
straight on ,
adv , todo recto,
strange ,
adj , raro,
strange ,
adj , curioso,
strange ,
adv , raro,
strange ,
adv , curioso,
street ,
n , calle,
street ,
n , calle,
strong ,
v , fuerte,
stuff (COLLOQ) ,
n , cosas,
[Existence 2]-05
stupid ,
adj , estúpido,
stupid ,
adj , tonto,
stupid ,
adv , tonto,
stupid ,
adv , estúpido,
subway station ,
n , estación de metro,
such an X ,
pron , un X así,
such an X ,
pron , un X de ese tipo,
summer ,
n , verano,
[Time I]-94
sunday Sunday ,
n , domingo,
[Time I]-80
suppose ,
v , creer,
suppose ,
v , supponer,
supposed to (to be supposed to +INF) ,
v , deber +INF,
sure ,
adj , seguro,
sweater ,
n , jersey,
switch off ,
v , cerrar*,
switch off ,
v , apagar,
switch on ,
v , encender*,
switch on ,
v , poner*,
T-shirt ,
n , camiseta,
table ,
n , mesa,
take (=eat/drink) (S---E) ,
v , tomar,
take (=seize) ,
v , coger,
take (=seize) ,
v , tomar,
take (along) ,
v , llevarse,
take (smth from sbdy) ,
v , quitar (algo a alguien),
take (smth to another place) ,
v , llevar,
take away ,
v , quitar,
take out (S---E) ,
v , sacar,
talk ,
v , hablar,
tall ,
a , alto(-a),
taxi ,
n , taxi,
teacher ,
n , profesora,
teacher ,
n , profesor,
telephone ,
n , teléfono,
tell (=inform)(smbdy /that + S/) ,
v , decir* (/a alguien/ que + S),
tell (=relate)(smbdy smth) ,
v , contar* (algo a alguien),
tell smbdy to + INF ,
v , decirle* a alguien que (+subjuntivo),
ten ,
num , diez,
terrible ,
adj , terrible,
terrible ,
a , terrible,
thank you ,
ijec , grácias,
[Not Classified]-07
thanks ,
ijec , grácias,
[Not Classified]-07
that ,
pron , que,
that's why.. ,
ph , por eso...,
that's why.. ,
ph , es por eso que..,
that X ,
adj , aquel X (aquella),
that X ,
adj , ese X (esa X),
that one ,
pron , aquíl (aquílla),
that one ,
pron , ése (ésa),
that way ,
adv , por ahí,
that {impers} ,
pron , aquello,
that {impers} ,
pron , eso,
the ,
def , los (las),
[Existence 1]-04
the ,
def , el (la),
[Existence 1]-03
the+ADJ+one ,
pron , el+ADJ (la+ADJ),
the+ADJ+ones ,
pron , los+ADJ (las+ADJ),
the ADJ-est ,
adj , el/la más+ADJ,
the country ,
n , el campo,
the one that ,
pron , el que (la que),
the ones that ,
pron , los que (las que),
the other one ,
pron , el otro (la otra),
the other ones ,
pron , los otros,
the other ones ,
pron , los demás,
the same ,
pron , lo mismo,
the thing/trouble is that...(S---E) ,
x , lo que pasa es que...,
their (pl) ,
a , sus,
their (sg) ,
a , su,
theirs ,
pron , el suyo,
theirs ,
pron , de ellos,
theirs (pl) ,
pron , suyos,
theirs (sg) ,
pron , suyo,
them {dir obj} ,
pron , los (las) {dir obj},
[Existence 1]-22
them {indir obj} ,
pron , les {indir obj},
[Existence 1]-30
themselves ,
pron , ellos mismos,
then (=at that time) ,
adv , entonces,
[Time I]-45
then (=in that case) ,
adv , entonces,
then (next, afterward) ,
adv , después,
[Time I]-42
then (next, afterward) ,
adv , luego,
[Time I]-42
there (=to that place) ,
adv , ahí,
there (=to that place) ,
adv , allí,
there (close) ,
adv , ahí,
there (further away) ,
adv , allí,
there (imprecise) ,
adv , allá,
there is ,
v , hay,
[Existence 2]-01
there is no need for ,
v , no hace falta que,
these ,
pron , estos (estas),
these X ,
adj , estos X (estas X),
they ,
pron , ellos (ellas),
[Existence 1]-14
thief ,
n , ladrón,
thin ,
a , delgado(-a),
thing ,
n , cosa,
[Existence 2]-04
think (X thinks /that/) ,
v , opinar (X opina que),
think (X thinks /that/) ,
v , pensar (X piensa que),
think (X thinks /that/) ,
v , parecer (le parece a X /que/),
think (of/about smth) ,
v , pensar* (en algo),
think (that) (=believe) ,
v , pensar* (que),
think (that) (=believe) ,
v , creer (que),
thirteen ,
num , trece,
thirty ,
num , treinta,
thirty-one ,
num , treinta y uno,
this ,
pron , esto,
this X ,
adj , este X (esta X),
this one ,
pron , éste (ésta),
those ,
pron , aquellos (aquellas),
those ,
pron , esos (esas),
those X ,
adj , aquellos X (aquellas X),
those X ,
adj , esos X (esas X),
though ,
adv , pero,
three ,
num , tres,
through ,
prep , a través de,
through ,
prep , por,
thursday Thursday ,
n , jueves,
[Time I]-77
ticket ,
n , billete,
time ,
n , tiempo,
[Time I]-61
time (=occasion) ,
adv , vez (PL=veces),
[Time I]-34
times (X times) ,
adv , X veces,
[Time I]-37
tired ,
a , cansado,
[The Body]-14
to ,
prep , para,
to ,
prep , a,
to (=in order to) ,
winf , para (+INF),
today ,
adv , hoy,
[Time I]-13
together ,
adv , juntos,
toilet ,
n , servicio,
[At Home]-13
toilet ,
n , baño,
[At Home]-13
tomorrow ,
adv , mañana,
[Time I]-15
tonight ,
adv , esta noche,
[Time I]-16
too ,
adv , también,
too (X too) ,
adv , tambien (X tambien),
too X ,
adv , demasiado X,
too many (X) ,
pron , demasiados (X) (demasiadas (X)),
too much ,
adv , demasiado,
too much ,
adj , demasiado,
town ,
n , ciudad,
town hall ,
n , ayuntamiento,
train ,
n , trén,
translate ,
v , traducir*,
tree ,
n , árbol,
trip ,
n , viaje,
trouble ,
n , problemas,
trousers ,
n , pantalón,
trousers ,
n , pantalones,
true ,
a , cierto,
true ,
a , verdad,
true ,
adv , cierto,
true ,
adv , verdad,
try ,
v , intentar,
try ,
v , tratar,
tuesday Tuesday ,
n , martes,
[Time I]-75
turn off ,
v , cerrar*,
turn off ,
v , apagar,
turn on ,
v , encender*,
turn on ,
v , poner*,
turn out ,
v , resultar,
TV ,
n , tele,
TV ,
n , televisión,
twelve ,
num , doce,
twenty ,
num , veinte,
twenty-one ,
num , veintiuno,
twenty-two ,
num , treinta y dos,
twenty-two ,
num , veintidós,
twice ,
adv , dos veces,
[Time I]-36
two ,
num , dos,
two hundred ,
num , doscientos,
ugly ,
adj , feo,
ugly ,
adj , feo,
under ,
prep , debajo de,
under ,
adv , debajo,
under ,
prep , debajo de,
understand ,
v , comprender*,
understand ,
v , entender*,
united states (the United States) ,
n , estados unidos (los Estados Unidos),
unless ,
conj , a no ser que,
unless ,
conj , a menos que,
until ,
conj , hasta que,
[Time I]-59
until ,
prep , hasta,
[Time I]-58
up ,
adv , arriba,
upstairs ,
adv , arriba,
[At Home]-14
us {dir obj} ,
pron , nos {dir obj},
[Existence 1]-20
us {indir obj} ,
pron , nos {indir obj},
[Existence 1]-28
use ,
v , usar,
used to (X used to do smth) ,
v , solía (X solía hacer algo /X hacía algo),
usually (X usually does smth) ,
v , suele (X suele hacer algo),
usually (X usually does smth) ,
v , normalmente (X normalmente hace algo),
very+ADJ/ADV ,
adv , muy+ADJ/ADV,
very much ,
adv , mucho,
village ,
n , aldea,
village ,
n , pueblo,
visit (sbdy) ,
v , ver* (a alguien),
wait ,
v , esperar,
[Time I]-60
waiter ,
n , camarero,
waitresss ,
n , camarera,
walk ,
v , andar,
walk ,
v , ir a pie,
walk ,
v , caminar,
wall (of room) ,
n , pared,
[At Home]-8]
want (smth) ,
v , querer* (algo),
want sbdy/smth to (+ INF) ,
v , querer* que alguien/algo (+SUBJUNTIVO),
want to (+INF) ,
v , querer* (+INF),
wants to (X wants to) ,
v , quisiera (X quisiera),
wants to (X wants to) ,
v , quería (X quería),
war ,
n , guerra,
wardrobe ,
n , armario,
was ,
aux , {vease:BE},
wash ,
v , lavar,
watch ,
v , mirar,
water ,
n , agua,
water ,
n , agua,
way ,
n , modo,
way ,
n , manera,
way (in the same way) ,
adv , de la misma manera,
way (that way) ,
adv , por ahí,
we ,
pron , nosotros (-as),
[Existence 1]-11
weather ,
n , tiempo,
wednesday Wednesday ,
n , miércoles,
[Time I]-76
week ,
n , semana,
[Time I]-66
well ,
adv , bien,
were ,
aux , {vease:BE},
[Time II]-01
were ,
aux , {vease:BE},
what's X like? ,
x , cómo es X?,
what's that? ,
x , qué es?,
what? ,
pron , qué?,
what (relative) ,
pron , lo que,
what X? ,
adj , qué X?,
what X? ,
adj , qué X?,
what time is it? ,
x , qué hora es?,
[Time I]-12
when ,
conj , cuando,
[Time I]-02
when? ,
adv , cuándo?,
[Time I]-01
where? ,
adv , adónde?,
where? ,
adv , dónde?,
where? ,
adv , dónde,
where are? ,
x , dónde están?,
where is? ,
x , dónde está?,
which ,
pron , que,
which X? ,
adj , qué X?,
which X? ,
adj , qué X?,
which one? ,
adj , cuál?,
which ones? ,
pron , cuáles?,
which way? ,
adv , por dónde?,
while ,
prep , mientras,
[Time I]-52
white ,
a , blanco (-a),
who ,
pron , que,
who? ,
pron , quiénes?,
who? ,
pron , quién?,
whose? ,
nc , de quién?,
why? ,
adv , por qué?,
wife ,
n , mujer,
will (+INF) ,
aux , {use FUTURE TENSE},
[Time II]-06
window ,
n , ventana,
[At Home]-7]
wine ,
n , vino,
winter ,
n , invierno,
[Time I]-96
with ,
prep , con,
with (sbdy) ,
prep , con (algn),
without ,
prep , sin,
without ,
prep , sin,
woman ,
n , mujer,
wonder ,
v , preguntarse,
wood(s) ,
n , bosque,
word ,
n , palabra,
work ,
n , trabajo,
work ,
v , trabajar,
work (=operate) ,
v , funcionar,
world ,
n , mundo,
worry ,
v , preocuparse,
worse ,
adv , peor,
worst ,
adv , peor,
worth (to be worth) ,
v , valer,
would (+INF) ,
[Time II]-07
would like to (X would like to) ,
v , quería (X quería),
would like to (X would like to) ,
v , quisiera (X quisiera),
write* ,
v , escribir*,
wrong ,
a , incorrecto,
wrong ,
a , mal,
wrong ,
adv , incorrectamente,
wrong ,
adv , mal,
wrong (to be) ,
v , equivocarse,
X's ,
pron , el de X (la de X),
nc , el Q de X {GENITIVO},
year ,
n , año,
[Time I]-68
yellow ,
a , amarillo (-a),
yes ,
ijec , sí,
[Not Classified]-01
yesterday ,
adv , ayer,
[Time I]-14
you (plur informal) ,
pron , ustedes,
[Existence 1]-13
you (plur informal) ,
pron , vosotros (-as),
[Existence 1]-12
you (prep form) ,
pron , tí,
[Existence 1]-32
you (sing formal) ,
pron , usted,
[Existence 1]-07
you (sing informal) ,
pron , tú,
[Existence 1]-06
you {dir obj} ,
pron , os {dir obj},
[Existence 1]-21
you {dir obj} ,
pron , te {dir obj},
[Existence 1]-16
you {indir obj} ,
pron , os {indir obj},
[Existence 1]-29
you {indir obj} ,
pron , te {indir obj},
[Existence 1]-24
young ,
a , jóven,
young lady ,
n , señorita,
your (pl) ,
a , vuestros (/s),
your (pl) ,
a , tus,
your (sg) ,
a , vuestro (/s),
your (sg) ,
a , tu,
yours ,
pron , el vuestro,
yours ,
pron , los tuyos,
yours ,
pron , el tuyo,
yours (pl) ,
pron , vuestros,
yours (pl) ,
pron , tuyos,
yours (sg) ,
pron , vuestro,
yours (sg) ,
pron , tuyo,
yourself ,
pron , tú mismo,
yourselves ,
pron , vosotros mismos,
zero ,
num , cero,